Ahobilam – Nava Narasimha

Published on Dec 07, 2014

1. Ahobila Narasimha shrine:
The temple,situated on the upper Ahobilam, at a distance of eight kilometersfrom the Lower Ahobilam, is the main temple and the earliest of all the nine shrines. The lord in the main altar here appears in his fierce aspect.Hence he is called Ugra Narasimha. He is the presiding deity of the temple and is also known as Ahobilam Narsimha. This Narsimha deity manifested‘svayambhu’ (self-manifest) here.

2. Bhargavanarsimha shrine:
The Bhargava narsimha shrine is situated at a distance of two kilometers from the Lower Ahobilam on a hill, near the sacred pond, known as Bhargava tirtham. It is the site where Bhargava Rama performed his penance.Hence the Lord of the temple is known as Bhargava Narsimha.
The entire distance is to be covered on foot. At some distance down a deep incline, we come to a very calm place where we find a beautiful pond of cool, fresh and crystal clear water surrounded by ever green thick shrubs and tall trees. The pond is also called Akshaya Tirtha.At a few yards away from this pond, there is a flight off some steps, climbing up which, we reach the Bhargava shrine.
The deity installed in the Garbhagriha is four-handed,upper two hands holding the Chakra and Sankha, the lower two hands as shown tearing the intestine of Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyakasipu is shown with a sword in his right hand. Prahalad is seen on the right in the Sthanaka posture with Anjali hasta.

3. Yogananda Narasimha shrine:
This shrine is at a distance of two kms to the south-east of Lower Ahobilam .The popular legend is that after killing Hiranyakasipu,Lord Narasimha taught Prahalad several yogic postures.Therefore,the Lord in this posture is called Yogananda Narasimha. It is connected by a good road.This shrine is a plain stone structure with a square Garbhagriha and ardhamandapa.Seated on a Garuda pedestal of 1’2”high, the figure of the Lord is about 2’8” high in the yogic posture of their legs being crossed and tied with a Yogapatta.The deity is four handed and holds Chakra in the upper hand and Sankha in the upper left hand. The other two hands rest on the knees.

4. Chatravata Narasimha:
The shrine of Chatravata is about four kms away from the Lower Ahobilam, on the same motorable road leading to Yogananda. But we have to walk about a furlong on a rough track from the road to reach this shrine. The temple is small and is under the shade of an umbrella-like banyan tree. Hence the deity here is called Chatravata Narsimha.
The deity is seated in the padmasana pose on a low padmapitha. The two upper hands hold the Chakra and Sankha.The Lower right hand is in the abhaya posture,while the lower left hand is a Katihasta,placed on the waist and the left thigh. It is said that the two Gandharvas Haha and Huhu came fromMeruparvata and entertained this Narasimha with their melodious singing, where upon, the Lord blessed them to become first rate singers in all the three worlds. Even now devotees who visit this shrine sing melodiously before the deity to give him pleasure.

5. Krodha or Varaha Narasimha:
The shrine of Varaha Narasimha is one km away the main temple of Ahobila Narasimha of the upper Ahobilam.Walking along side the Bhavanasini river east-wards and Kalakshepa Mandapa,we arrive at the cave shrine of Krodha(Varaha).Surrounded by attractive natural scenery all around, The lofty mountains over-grown with tall trees are awe inspiring.In the narrow valley between Vedari and Garudadadri,the silver stream of Bhavanasini glides on beautifully.
In this cave shrine, there are two deities, one of lakshmi-Narasimha and another Sthanaka figure of Varaha Narasimha with his consort, goddess Bhudevi.The goddess is shown as embracing the ‘snout’ portion of the lord, just as she did while being raised by him up from the ocean waters after piercing Hiranyaksha with his tusks and then slaying him.Varaha stands in a tribhangaposture with only two hands,the head of the boar and the tail of the lion on a human torso.

6. Karanja or Saranga Narasimha:
This shrine is situated at a distance of one km from the upper Ahobilam and one furlong away from the road leading to lower Ahobilam. TheBhavanasini river glides on at the left of the road. The shrine is under a Karanja tree which accounts for the name Karanja Narasimha.
The deity of the Lord appears to be seated in meditation, with a hooded cobra over the head.The upper right hand holds a Chakra and upper left hand has Sarangaor bow. The lower hands are in Dhyana mudra……

[To know more, visit – http://holydham.com/ahobilam/]

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