Caitanya Carana Prabhu Speaks on Sachisutastakam Verse 2

Published on Mar 09, 2014

Caitanya Carana Prabhu Speaks on Sachisutastakam Verse 2

nava-prema-yutaṁ nava-nīta-śucaṁ
nava-veśa-kṛtaṁ nava-prema-rasam
navadhā vilasat śubha-prema-mayaṁ
praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam

He is endowed with ever-fresh love of Godhead. His radiant luster is like the color of fresh butter. His fresh attire is arranged in ever-new fashions. He relishes ever-new mellows of love for Krsna. He shines in nine-fold new ways while executing the nine-fold processes of devotion. He is permeated with a most auspicious loving nature. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.

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