Ignite the light that makes the inner world bright and right (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 02, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10, Text 11

Whenever power goes off, the darkness makes us tentative, insecure, even paralytic.

No wonder we constantly strive to keep our outer world well lit. Yet we rarely strive to keep our inner world similarly lit.

In fact, we frequently don’t even realize that our inner world is often shrouded in a disturbing and distressing darkness. Out of that darkness sometimes suddenly some specters spring forth to haunt us — nasty desires, negative thoughts or needless worries that strain and drain us. If one of these specters hijacks the entire territory of our consciousness, it deludes us into believing that our inner world has become clearly lit. It makes us believe with a senseless certainty that doing its bidding and getting some particular thing will make us happy. But the specter eventually disappoints and betrays us, for nothing material ever grants lasting fulfillment. What initially seemed to light the inner world ends up darkening it further.

Read More – http://www.gitadaily.com/2013/09/19/ignite-the-light-that-makes-the-inner-world-bright-and-right/

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