Matters that matter more than matter ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 28, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15, Text 14

Most of us usually remain preoccupied with our material needs and desires, and the material world where they can be fulfilled. When matter is all that matters to us, why should Krishna, who resides far beyond the world of matter, matter to us?

Because, Gita wisdom answers, even the material world is dependent on Krishna for its sustenance.

The Bhagavad-gita (15.14) states that Krishna is the shelter of the body that we have taken shelter of; he arranges for the digestive mechanism that enables the body to function. This verse comes at the end of a three-verse sequence (15.12)(15.13)(15.14) that analyzes how our existence and enjoyment in the world of matter depend on something — rather someone — beyond matter. We may enjoy the good-looking face or the sweet-sounding voice of a person we love, but neither we nor our beloved arranged for the beauty of that face or the melody of that voice. And certainly the face muscles or the voice cords didn’t arrange themselves because they being made of nonliving matter don’t have adequate self-organizing or self-sustaining capacity.

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