The Minds Formula Never Eat Anything First Except The Head (Gita Daily)

Published on Sep 22, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 63

The mind sometimes makes us do self-defeating, short-sighted, stupid things.


By making us headless.

Gita wisdom indicates that when the mind contemplates on sense objects, it becomes infatuated by material desires. As its infatuation increases, it first tries to devour our memory and our intelligence — that is, our head.

Why is the head the mind’s favorite delicacy, its first dietary choice? Because the head is the watchdog that prevents it from devouring any other object like our dignity, our morality or our spirituality; the head checks it from forcing us into self-destructive actions. If the mind succeeds in consuming the head, the road to fulfilling all its dietary fantasies becomes clear. When the head falls, we fall (02.63: buddhi naashaat pranashyati).


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