Life’s amazing secret ! Subita Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 29, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 29

When we come to know a pleasant secret, we feel amazed. Naturally therefore, we feel immensely amazed when we come to know life’s great secret. That secret is disarmingly simple: what we were looking for was always with us; we never found it because we searched in the wrong places.

The Bhagavad-gita (2.29) indicates that when we come to know about the soul, we look upon it as amazing. We recognize that much of what we were seeking at the level of the body was always our own at the level of the soul.

We wanted to look beautiful at the level of the body. We were frustratedpossibly by the looks we were born with or certainly by the setting in of age. Yet all along as souls, we had always been beautiful.

We wanted to attract the love of others at the level of the body. We were frustrated due to rejection by some, neglect by others and the demise of the few who had fulfilled that desire temporarily. Yet all along as souls, we had always attracted the love of the most loving and lovable person, Krishna.

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