The mind is predictably dangerous and dangerously unpredictable (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 13, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 06, Text 06

“I know that work is important, but I just can’t make myself do it; I am not in the right mood.” “Stop; don’t irritate me further, otherwise I will explode. I am in a bad mood today.” Sentiments like these come up periodically during our everyday routines. Because they are common, we often don’t think seriously about them. If we did, we would be chilled by what they betray: the mind through its moods dominates us and acts as our worst enemy, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita (6.6).

The mind acts inimicallyin two broad ways:

1. Predictably dangerous:Based on our past experiences, we can predict reasonably the times when the mind will vex, nag, worry, seduce, disorient or discourage us.

2. Dangerously unpredictable: The mind sometimes ambushes us.
At the least expected time, we find ourselves overwhelmed by a fit of rage or a surge of lust or a wave of boredom or an attack of anxiety or a spell of depression. During such ambushes, the intensity of the emotion and the unpredictability of its onset together can overwhelm us and provoke us toself-defeating kneejerk reactions.

Through these two modus operandi, the mind can jeopardize our career, our relationships, our integrity, our spirituality, and even our sanity.

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